With the festive season in full swing, many of us will be trading our offices and cubicles for the seaside, our laptops for fishing rods and our suits and ties for shorts and slops.  We’ve slaved away for 12 long months and now it’s finally time to go spend that well-deserved Christmas bonus.

But what happens to your house while you’re away?  There’s nothing worse than having a 1000 kilometres of highway behind you and then suddenly realising you’ve forgotten to arm the alarm or switch off the geyser.  It’s a sinking feeling, and one that most people are all too familiar with.  On top of that, there is always the worry that someone may somehow gain access to your property by some devilish means or other.

Fortunately, past experiences, though sometimes unpleasant, often drive innovation – and what can possibly be more innovative than being able to monitor the goings-on at home even when you’re half a world away?  Rest easy, weary traveller, for CENTURION provides the solutions you seek.

Some time ago, we introduced the G-SWITCH-22, a GSM module with two inputs and two outputs for monitoring and controlling various electrical devices.   While many probably opt to use this novel little device for opening their gates at home – which, let’s be honest, is a great feature – the G-SWITCH can also be interfaced with common household appliances such as fridges and geysers, affording the user great peace of mind and convenience.  With the wind in your hair and the smell of the ocean in your nostrils, you need only give the G-SWITCH a missed call or send it a text message for it to take care of that one crucial thing that slipped your mind.  And the best part, perhaps, is that it’s a two-way relationship.  Your G-SWITCH can be set up so that it notifies you via text messagewhen your gate is activated, the power trips, the alarm is set off, etc.  Whatever happens on the home front, you will be in the know.

But let’s not forget the all-important security factor.  What ways are there of safeguarding your property and preventing unauthorised access?  Well, you’ll be glad to know that CENTURION operators come standard with a unique Holiday Lockout feature that allows you to electronically lock your gate automation system and bar any remote controls other than the one that invoked the lockout, from activating the gate motor.  This means that, should a particularly crafty criminal somehow devise a way of circumventing the security measures already in place and learn his own transmitter into the system, he would still have no way of using it on your gate since only your remote will be able to disable the lockout.  If you don’t trust yourself to remember to enable the feature before you embark on your journey, you can always wire up your G-SWITCH to the lockout input and enable it from wherever you are, using your mobile phone.

So now, with everything taken care of back home, all that’s left for you to do is to kick back and soak up the sun.

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