Not only does G-WEB PLUS offer support for more products, it also boasts a veritable smorgasbord of treats from a functionality and device administration perspective.
Morgan Commerford is one of the genius minds behind G-WEB PLUS and, in this article, we find out what users have to look forward to in this stunning new web interface.
Charl Mijnhardt: Morgan, please tell us what’s different about G-WEB PLUS? What new features can users expect?
Morgan Commerford: Quite a number of things have changed with regards to the interface, and
I’ve listed the main improvements below:
- Support for G-SPEAK Classic+.
- Grid dashboard of all device(s) associated to a profile indicating the device network balance, supply voltage and signal strength.
- Add new device wizard with automatic device IMEI retrieval.
- Multi-language support.
- Transfer of device(s) between profiles.
- Online purchasing of website credits.
- Bulk access number configuration editing.
- Timed access control for access numbers on G-SWITCH-22 EVO.
- Tutorial help videos.
CM: What prompted the upgrade? Did the market call for this?
MC: Yes, the market asked for an intuitive and user friendly configuration environment.
CM: What has the response been so far?
MC: G-WEB PLUS has been received exceptionally well. Below are some email responses I’ve received:
Feedback from Alwyn Duraan,
Message: Absolutely love it ! It is about time I the G-Switch a go as well
Feedback from Leon Brink,
Message: Hi Centurion team. Great job on the new portal. It works great! If there is one feature I would like to request if it is not in development yet, then it is that I would like to time bar numbers. I.e. only allow certain numbers on certain days between certain time slots. Thanks Leon
Feedback from Bran Ross,
Message: Fantastic new tool, Thank you simplifies everything. will you be transferring credits on the normal G web when the free period ends.
Feedback from Pieter Saunders,
Message: Love the new WEB Interface, Much more user friendly, and easy to use
CM: Can users expect more changes in the coming months? What does the future hold for the G-WEB interface?
MC: Yes, we have a few releases in the pipeline and here is a list of the highlights that can be expected:
- G-SWITCH-22 EVO: Scheduled Output Triggering
- G-SWITCH-22 EVO: Inputs can trigger a Missed Call
- G-SPEAK CLASSIC+: Voice number authorisation to activate outputs
- The ability to SMS devices from the website
- A feature to clone device settings and access number(s) to another device
- Simultaneously select multiple devices for syncing
CM: Finally, please tell us how G-WEB PLUS makes users’ lives easier.
MC: G-WEB PLUS takes the pain away from configuring and monitoring your GSM device(s) by providing a friendly web environment which eliminates the need to manually send configuration SMS messages.