If you’ve ever doubted the monumental role that technology and new media play in our increasingly mobile-centric society, consider that, in 2018 director Steven Soderbergh shot a film – which received much acclaim from critics and moviegoers alike upon its release – using only iPhones. In fact, as of 2018, eleven movies had been filmed using some sort of mobile device. Then there is also the film Searching starring John Cho, with its unique visual presentation exclusively through modern communication mediums such as Skype and other instant messaging and video calling platforms.

Certainly, entertainment has been a huge part of our path to digital maturity, but the full picture is a patchwork of new technologies and mediums. The humanisation of these technologies and mediums must also be noted, with many scholars positing that mobile phones, for example, have become an extension of our very selves. Matt Gilligan, co-founder of Circa, said of mobile technology that in [his] opinion, “the future of mobile is the future of everything”.

If that be the case – and most of us would agree that it is – then the message communicated by our G-ULTRA GSM solution is a straightforward one: welcome to the future.

Four channels. Two relays. One purpose: to make your life easier.

How does it achieve this? Let’s first take a closer look at how the technology works.

The G-ULTRA is a remote monitoring and control system which is GSM enabled. Leveraging the power of GSM, the unit is capable of monitoring and or controlling a variety of systems and devices using a mobile device.

One or more G-ULTRA devices can be linked using G-WEB, Centurion Systems’s online system that enables the user to group their G-ULTRA, configure and manage them, and purchase airtime.

GSM is an established and inexpensive technology, and the G-ULTRA leverages the many benefits of its reliability to produce a flexible, mobile-based access control and monitoring system.

How the G-ULTRA makes your life easier and gives you more security

Let’s look at a practical example.

You recently had a CENTURION D5 SMART gate installed at your house and, because there has been a spate of break-ins in your neighbourhood, you ask your installer to connect a G-ULTRA to your new gate motor. The installer (let’s call him “Geoff”) configures the system so that one of the G-ULTRA’s four channels monitors your gate status, meaning that you’ll receive notifications on your phone when the gate is in operation, has been left open, and so forth. Geoff also sets up an output to activate your gate, so you can open it for garden services, maintenance crews and visitors from anywhere using your phone and the free G-REMOTE app. Using the remaining channels and two mechanical relays, Geoff connects your sprinklers, alarm system, outside lights and electric fence, so you can now remotely monitor and control these systems.

Here is another scenario.

Your are so impressed with the way that the new CENTURION products had improved security at your home that you ask Geoff to install a similar setup at your business premises.

You spend more time out of the office, and now your business partner can open and close the gate from her phone. During the day, it has been very convenient to let clients and suppliers in and out of the premises as the old wired system kept breaking especially after a lightning storm. Now, the quick response of the remote system has made it easy and she can open it from wherever she is, as she does not need to go to the front of the office to press a button.

It also proved very useful over the weekend when the armed response security needed to gain entry to the premises, and you are able to 1) Open the gate 2) wait on the response that the alarm had been reset 3) are able to monitor the gate closure remotely until closed.

The G-ULTRA integrates seamlessly with our all-new D5 SMART sliding gate motor, and the motor even has a dedicated accessory tray to safely and neatly stow your GSM solution.

Get the complete solution for SMART security today!

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