IMPORTANT NOTICE: G-Remote App will no longer work After 31st August 2024

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When two of the hottest innovations of the past 20 years converge, you know you have a winner. Which innovations, you ask? We’re talking about the world’s largest video sharing platform, YouTube, and the rise of mobile apps: mini programs or software that can be installed to run on computers, tablets, smartphones and other electronic devices. While the development of the first mobile application predates the launch of YouTube by almost a decade, the growth of these two media have been largely in parallel to each other, with YouTube now existing in app form for most smartphones.

The amount of news, information and entertainment available to us is at its peak and, thanks to digital transformation, we have access to rich media anytime, anywhere. Want to catch up on the latest news? You can  have a quick “snack” while standing in the queue at the bank or waiting for your grub at a fast food restaurant. Need to check the weekend’s weather forecast? It’s available at a single tap on the screen of your smartphone.

With such a wide variety of content, much of it educational and instructional in nature, YouTube has become one of the most important and convenient platforms for e-learning, with mobile integration ensuring that learners can access and view content on the go via their smartphones or tablets. YouTube also promotes knowledge retention through what is called “microlearning”, delivering complex procedures and demonstrations of specific skills in small quantities rather than large chunks for easy digestion. Google, who owns the video sharing giant, reports a surge in the number of people turning to YouTube to learn new skills and tackle tasks they used to outsource in response to the suspension of daily activities caused by lockdown restrictions implemented in most parts of the world. According to the report, published on the Think Google blog, tutorials and how-to videos have always been popular on YouTube, but people have been turning to these genres in unprecedented numbers to train, learn and upskill during these times.

As an installer, technician or contractor, your work is very much hands-on, but, thanks to the latest innovation from Centurion Systems, you can access a veritable treasure trove of useful information using your phone and the tie-in installer app for the D5 SMART, MyCentsys Pro.

In addition to making your life easier with lightning-fast, wireless setup of the operator, interactive graphic wizards, intelligent management of remote controls and advanced diagnostics and logging, MyCentsys Pro also gives you an all-access pass to loads of great video content from SMART TV, the official YouTube channel of the D5 SMART, with new videos being published directly to the app as they are released.

  • Installation tips – install like a pro and be sliding in no time with easy-to-follow video tutorials and walkthroughs
  • What’s new? – with SMΔRT TV, you’ll be the first to know about the latest and best features as they are released
  • Watch onsite, at home, or on the go – we automatically publish new videos to the MyCentsys Promobile app, so you can watch them anytime, anywhere

Download the MyCentsys Pro app free from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store or Huawei Appgallery.

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