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Soul of a New Machine: The Legend of the D5-Evo (Part 1)

The so-called Information Age has meant massive changes in virtually every aspect of our lives: from the way in which we communicate to the way in which we consume information. By the second half of the 20thcentury, every interface was undergoing a dramatic facelift...

How important is proper earthing?

We often get asked the question: how important is it to earth one’s gate motor (or other access control device), and what will happen if it’s not properly earthed? In this article, we’ll attempt to answer both of these interrelated queries in as simple terms as...

6 Crucial Things to Ask Your Installer

If you’ve ever dealt with a toddler – and I speak from experience, having a two-and-a-half year old nephew – you’ll attest to their inherently inquisitive nature. In a matter of mere minutes, they can make the word “why” take on more or less the same quality as long...

Security in the Workplace

Unless you hit it big by penning a series of novels about boy wizards or sparkly vampires, chances are you spend the greatest part of your day in an office of some sort. And, since the focus of our newsletter has predominantly been on domestic security, we reckoned...

Part 1 of Installer Series: Making the Sale

While the rising crime rate means that proper access control is now a necessity rather than the luxury it was in decades past, security equipment is still not exactly something that leaps off the shelves like, say, the latest iPhone. For most, it’s still very much a...

Introducing the Heir to the Throne of Access Automation

But for the steady drone of traffic lazily drifting in from the invisible highway, there’s precious little indication that we’re somewhere in the heart of Johannesburg. In front of us – and seemingly stretching to the horizon which is only now, at about 6:30,...
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