Businesses are inexorably bound by what is known as the macro environment, which can be defined as those factors that exist outside of the organisation and over which businesses don’t have much control, such as economic factors as well as social, legal and political conditions. These conditions are volatile and tend to change all the time, which forces businesses to continually adapt their strategies and decision-making.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing for, as the old saying goes, calm seas make for poor sailors. The inherently unpredictable nature of the macro environment fosters a sort of robustness in businesses, and can lead to some remarkable innovation and creativity. We’d go so far as to say that, without a healthy bit of instability, some of the greatest inventions of the last century might never have been developed.

Being adaptable can mean targeting a different demographic, reviewing your marketing strategy or, in many cases, expanding your product or service offering to meet current demands.

The good news is that, being an access automation installer, you are already addressing two very important societal needs that are unlikely to change, namely security and convenience. In fact, the security sector is very likely to continue its upward trend as rising crime rates around the world compel people to seek protection – increasingly in the form of technology – against salient threats.

The even better news is that door automation offers an exciting new avenue for your business to tap into the fast-growing commercial security market.

Door automation has seen increased use in applications ranging from shopping centres and offices to police stations and hospitals. Not only are automatic doors more convenient to use than their manual counterparts, but they are also more hygienic and provide easier access to people with disabilities.

CENTURION now offers an excellent range of door automation solutions for swing and sliding doors. Our systems are packed with innovative features, including flexible installation options, smooth and silent operation and incredible long-term performance, with some models rated for up to 2 million maintenance-free cycles.

To find out more about how CENTURION door automation solutions can help open doors for your business, contact Jaco at [email protected].

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