Apr 14, 2016 | centurion gate motors, centurion systems, d10 turbo, d10 turbo gate motor, hijacking, hijacking safety, security
The SAPS has issued a warning regarding a new modus operandi employed by a car hijacking syndicate operating in the Muldersdrift area, close to the Beyers Naude offramp. It starts off innocently enough. Operating under the guise of being a Good Samaritan and feigning...
May 21, 2012 | centurion gate motor, d10 turbo, d10 turbo gate motor, gate automation
Everyone knows that life is about sacrifice and compromise. Our existence is dictated by a sort of universal truth that states “you can’t have your cake and eat it”. But CENTURION has taken this rather paradoxical statement and said, “What is cake for if not for...