Feb 20, 2023 | acces control, access automation, access control, centurion access control, centurion system, centurion systems, remote controls, remotes, Uncategorized
The installer app. The rise of mobile apps has been one of the chief advancements that characterise the so-called Digital Age and, today, there is a positively staggering array of these mini-programs available on the respective app stores: a bottomless supply and...
Feb 20, 2023 | access automation, access control, centurion, centurion access control, centurion gate motor, centurion gate motors, centurion system, centurion systems, Uncategorized
SMART Peace of mind Even the most zen and grounded amongst us worry from time to time, with a seemingly endless volley of challenges fired our way by an increasingly stressful and demanding world. Life is a highly nuanced experience and, while we are more or less...
Feb 20, 2023 | access automation, access control, Blog Posts, centurion, centurion system, centurion systems, load shedding, south africa, Uncategorized
Power outtages solutions. There’s a lot to love about South Africa: spectacular cultural diversity, great food, natural beauty encompassing virtually every biome, and some of the best weather in the world. Of course, as with every country, this fair land of ours has...
Feb 20, 2023 | acces control, access automation, access control, automatic doors, centurion system, centurion systems, Uncategorized
When he wasn’t writing some of the most important and influential rock ballads in music history, John Lennon – one quarter of the Fab Four (that’s The Beatles) was apparently coming up with profound quotes and irrefutable truths, of which perhaps the most on-point and...
Dec 2, 2020 | access automation, centurion systems, gate automation, Uncategorized
Award-winning SMART technology Since its development and launch, we have firmly believed that the D5 SMART is our most innovative gate motor yet, and this was affirmed on the 26th November when: CENTURION took home the top prize for Most Innovative Company at the...
Nov 4, 2020 | acces control, access automation, access control, centurion, centurion system, centurion systems
Many of us fondly remember the halcyon days of fenceless yards and unlocked doors, and, through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia, the past always seems like a happy, untroubled and idyllic place. However, the steady erosion of certain social structures and an...