Feb 20, 2023 | acces control, access automation, access control, centurion access control, centurion system, centurion systems, remote controls, remotes, Uncategorized
The installer app. The rise of mobile apps has been one of the chief advancements that characterise the so-called Digital Age and, today, there is a positively staggering array of these mini-programs available on the respective app stores: a bottomless supply and...
Dec 12, 2019 | access control, centurion d5 evo, gate motors, holiday lockout mode, holiday security tips, remote controls
And, just like that, we’ve reached the end of the year which, for many of us, means either returning to our home towns or going away on holiday. But, as everyone reading this article can probably agree on, nothing ruins a holiday like constant worry; the anxiety of...
Apr 9, 2018 | remote controls
There has been a lot of attention given to so-called remote “signal jamming” in the news of late. Signal jamming refers to the shady and highly illegal practice of using a remote control device – such as the ones used to open garage doors or entrance gates – to “jam”...
Dec 6, 2016 | 2016, centurion systems, garage door motors, nova, nova remotes, rdo, remote controls
2016: what a year. What. A. Year. Last month, the eyes of the world were firmly fixed on the U.S. presidential elections as former first lady Hillary Clinton fought tooth and nail to become the nation’s first female president, but was ultimately defeated – in what can...
Oct 21, 2016 | centurion nova, centurion systems, nova remote controls, remote controls, remotes
We’ll cut straight to the chase: pressing a button on the newly-revamped NOVAcode-hopping remote feels good. There’s a moment of chemistry between man and device just before the silicone button submits to one’s touch; one could almost call it a moment of reassurance....
Oct 14, 2016 | access control, centurion remotes, centurion system, gate motors, nova, nova helix, remote controls
The NOVA HELIX range of remote control receivers is putting a fresh spin on an access control staple. While the original NOVA range has enjoyed – and continues to enjoy – widespread popularity due, in part, to its role as a pioneer in the use of code-hopping...