Dec 6, 2016 | 2016, centurion systems, garage door motors, nova, nova remotes, rdo, remote controls
2016: what a year. What. A. Year. Last month, the eyes of the world were firmly fixed on the U.S. presidential elections as former first lady Hillary Clinton fought tooth and nail to become the nation’s first female president, but was ultimately defeated – in what can...
Apr 25, 2012 | centurion remote controls, centurion systems, nova remotes, rem, remote controls, remotes
in·tu·i·tive in-‘tü-ə-tiv, -‘tyü- adj (ca. 1645) 1 a : known or perceived by intuition : directly apprehended b : knowable by intuition ‹~ truths› c : based on or agreeing with intuition ‹~ responses› ‹makes ~ sense› d : readily learned or...
Feb 23, 2012 | centurion, centurion remote controls, centurion remotes, nova remotes
There is a popular (though probably misquoted) saying that declares that nature – and, by extension, humanity – should either “adapt or die”. Although this axiom was probably not intended to be taken literally, it does hold a certain amount of truth when it...
Jan 30, 2012 | centurion, centurion remote controls, centurion remotes, centurion systems, nova remotes, remote controls
On this blog alone you’ve probably come across the word “security” a couple of dozen times – and there’s a very good reason for that. In the early 1940s, the influential psychology professor Abraham Maslow came up with the now-famous Hierarchy of Needs, which depicts...
Dec 5, 2011 | centurion gates, centurion systems, nova, nova remotes, remote controls, remotes
Today, we’ll be looking at a rather contentious issue that’s been garnering a lot of media attention lately, so-called “signal jamming” by criminals using remote controls A recent article that appeared in an Mpumalanga newspaper and various...