Jan 26, 2012 | centurion gate motor, d10, gate motor interlocking, interlocking, sector, sliding gate motor, traffic barrier, traffic boom
As promised, below is an article detailing the interlocking of two D-Series operators. Interlocking access control devices can be extremely useful, especially when it comes to high-security applications. For those of you who might not know exactly what interlocking...
Jan 12, 2012 | centurion, centurion gate motor, chronoguard, d10, d10 turbo, d5-evo, sector, timer technology
This is such a nifty feature we reckoned it would be a crime if we didn’t boast just a little bit. The functionality is almost limitless, and it’s bound to change the face of home automation. What it is: Unique timer technology inherent in our D-Series...