Jul 22, 2016 | acces control, access automation, access control, alarm panels, alarm systems, automated gate safety, barrier fence, barrier skirt, biometric access control, centurion, centurion beams
If you’ve ever dealt with a toddler – and I speak from experience, having a two-and-a-half year old nephew – you’ll attest to their inherently inquisitive nature. In a matter of mere minutes, they can make the word “why” take on more or less the same quality as long...
Jan 31, 2012 | acces control, barrier fence, barrier skirt, claws, roadway spikes, traffic barrier, traffic boom, trapex, vehicle access control
It’s a well-known fact that traffic barriers offer formidable vehicle access control, and for that reason they are favoured by property managers who need to control the traffic entering and leaving the premises. For the longest time barriers have been used to guard...