Property Managers: This is Why You Need GSM Access Control

Property Managers: This is Why You Need GSM Access Control

Orange is the new black, coffee is the new wine, comedy is the new rock ‘n roll and, if current security trends are any indication, cellphones are the new remote controls.Say what? While remote controls will undoubtedly always have a place in the access control...

6 Crucial Things to Ask Your Installer

If you’ve ever dealt with a toddler – and I speak from experience, having a two-and-a-half year old nephew – you’ll attest to their inherently inquisitive nature. In a matter of mere minutes, they can make the word “why” take on more or less the same quality as long...
Automated Gate Safety

Automated Gate Safety

Automated Gate Safety In an era not too long ago, siblings were engaged in fiery arguments in the backseat – arguments that bordered on full-on combat – about a very important issue of the day:  Who was going to open the gate when they arrived home?  The hapless...
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