Mar 26, 2018 | centurion systems, d5-evo, gate motor, gsm, gsm device, gsm module, holiday security tips, security
Come Friday, the country’s national highways will once again be packed as scores of South Africans make their way to various destinations in an attempt to squeeze the last few drops of sweet summer from the rapidly-fading season. A mass exodus from all the major...
Jan 27, 2017 | centurion systems, gsm, gsm module, gswitch, gswitch22, gweb, gweb plus, security, Uncategorized
Users of CENTURION’s G-WEB PLUS online interface will now be able to populate a useful central contact list from which they can conveniently import contacts to their devices. The web portal, which was launched as a companion product to the G-SWITCH-22 GSM module in...
Jan 5, 2017 | acces control, access automation, access control, automated gate safety, Blog Posts, g-speak, gms access control, gsm, gsm access control, gsm controller, gsm device, gsm devices, gsm module
Orange is the new black, coffee is the new wine, comedy is the new rock ‘n roll and, if current security trends are any indication, cellphones are the new remote controls.Say what? While remote controls will undoubtedly always have a place in the access control...
Jul 30, 2013 | access control, centurion systems, gsm, gsm device, gsm module, gswitch, gswitch22, mygsm
We have officially declared August GSM month! Why? Because we can, and because we want to share with you some of the cool things that you can do with a GSM module, that you probably never even thought was possible! We’re generous like that. Just in case...
Aug 2, 2012 | access control, biometric readers, centurion, centurion access control, fingerprint readers, gsm module
With the London Olympics now in full swing, the eyes of the world are once again fixed on the safety of the masses. It is this knowledge that has led us to ask the following pressing questions: What new developments have been made in the world of security? What bold...
Apr 24, 2012 | acces control, centurion access control, centurion gswitch, centurion systems, gms access control, gsm module, gswitch22
In retrospect, it almost seems that when the celebrated sci-fi author Isaac Asimov said “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”, he had the G-SWITCH-22 in mind. This multi-faceted GSM-module took the world by storm when it was first...