Jan 27, 2017 | centurion systems, gsm, gsm module, gswitch, gswitch22, gweb, gweb plus, security, Uncategorized
Users of CENTURION’s G-WEB PLUS online interface will now be able to populate a useful central contact list from which they can conveniently import contacts to their devices. The web portal, which was launched as a companion product to the G-SWITCH-22 GSM module in...
Nov 13, 2016 | centurion systems, gsm, gsm devices, gsm modules, gweb, gweb plus, holiday security
Just in time for the holidays, the new-look G-WEB PLUS interface has just been launched by the hard-working CENTURION elves (read: the R & D department) with a fresh, cleaned-up design and loads of yummy new features to gorge on before the festive season is even...