Aug 3, 2018 | lightning protection, Uncategorized
While summer and its accompanying thunderstorms may be a good two months away, the country’s power supply hasn’t exactly been stable of late, with widespread load-shedding plunging many households into darkness for extended periods of time. Besides the obvious...
Nov 18, 2016 | centurion systems, gate motors, lightning, lightning protection
Mother Nature is a notoriously fickle – and at times downright ruthless – dame. While she may occasionally do something whimsical like giving us a monkey’s wedding, there are also times that it’s quite evident that she’s had a fight with her boyfriend or something....
Aug 19, 2016 | access automation, centurion systems, earthing, gate motors, grounding, lightning protection, surge protection
We often get asked the question: how important is it to earth one’s gate motor (or other access control device), and what will happen if it’s not properly earthed? In this article, we’ll attempt to answer both of these interrelated queries in as simple terms as...
Jan 9, 2012 | centurion gate motor, electric gate, gate motor, lightning protection
Lightning season is upon is (if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, anyway) and, as is sadly often the case, electronic devices will be taking a beating and by extension, so will our bank balances. Replacing lightning-damaged equipment not only takes a considerable...