Aug 27, 2013 | access automation, centurion gate motors, centurion systems, electric gate, gate motor, gate motors, sliding gate, sliding gate motor
Unless you possess the power of teleportation (in which case we’d like offer our thanks for reading our modest newsletter, oh visitor from another world), chances are that you gain access to your property by means of a point of entry enclosed by walls, or “gate” as we...
Mar 5, 2012 | electric gate, gate motor, home automation
Believe it or not, there is a certain degree of geometry as well as basic algebra involved when automating your home. Intimidating as this may seem, all that is needed is to keep a few elementary numbers close at hand and you should have an installation worthy of...
Jan 26, 2012 | centurion gate motor, dseries, electric gate, electric gate motor
If you’ve ever installed a D5-Evo or its big brother, the D10, you know how exceptionally easy they are to install and set up; a wizard guides you through the initial setup and, should you want to change any settings afterwards, you can literally do so at the press of...
Jan 9, 2012 | centurion gate motor, electric gate, gate motor, lightning protection
Lightning season is upon is (if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, anyway) and, as is sadly often the case, electronic devices will be taking a beating and by extension, so will our bank balances. Replacing lightning-damaged equipment not only takes a considerable...
Dec 16, 2011 | cable joint, centurion gate motor, centurion systems, electric gate, geljoints
In a perfect world cell phones would make us coffee, our cars would run on water, and everything would be wireless. But in reality we still have to drag ourselves out of bed, shuffle into our slippers and go make our own coffee – and very often we are faced...
Dec 2, 2011 | centurion gates, centurion systems, electric gate, gate automation, gate motor
Hi there This is a platform where we will discuss everything you ever wanted to know about gate motors, home automation and security in general but was afraid to ask. Or maybe you just didn’t know who to ask? Everything, from current trends in automation and...