Jul 3, 2017 | access automation, centurion systems, richard rohman
by Richard J. Rohman, Centurion Systems Marketing and Sales Director This article has been adapted from a talk given at Securex 2017, and edited for length In tackling this assignment I have drawn upon our own experiences at Centurion Systems, asking for input from...
May 24, 2017 | access automation, centurion gate motors, centurion systems, d5, d5-evo, gate automation, gate motors, pat dickens, richard rohman, sliding gate motors, supaslida
His hair may have been a little darker and fuller, the smile lines at the corners of his mouth – like tattoos of happy memories – a little fainter, but there can be no doubt that the man in the photograph wearing the smart navy-blue shirt and piebald tie is CENTURION...
Dec 7, 2016 | access automation, anne dickens, centurion 2016, centurion systems, ian tingle, johan lessing, nick dickens, pat dickens, richard rohman, rob dickens, tim dickens
A is for Anne Dickens MD Pat Dickens’ loving wife and one of the true pillars of CENTURION, Anne studied English and art but soon found herself drawn into the exciting world of access automation. Back in those early days, Anne did everything from making lunch...