Meet the Royalty of FAAC Automated Doors

Meet the Royalty of FAAC Automated Doors

When you choose to install FAAC door automation solutions, you’ll have complete peace of mind knowing that you’re installing a truly world-class brand with a proud history spanning five decades. Below, we’ve listed four reasons to install FAAC door automation...
2017 Welcome Letter

2017 Welcome Letter

At the denouement of a particularly taxing year, it often proves difficult for us as human beings to let the scars it has induced scab over and heal. No, we tend to pick and scratch at them, analyse and dissect until we are able to figure out what exactly went wrong....
Property Managers: This is Why You Need GSM Access Control

Property Managers: This is Why You Need GSM Access Control

Orange is the new black, coffee is the new wine, comedy is the new rock ‘n roll and, if current security trends are any indication, cellphones are the new remote controls.Say what? While remote controls will undoubtedly always have a place in the access control...
2016 in Review

2016 in Review

2016: what a year. What. A. Year. Last month, the eyes of the world were firmly fixed on the U.S. presidential elections as former first lady Hillary Clinton fought tooth and nail to become the nation’s first female president, but was ultimately defeated – in what can...

7 Essential Security Tips when Traveling Abroad

Having recently returned from honeymoon in the oft-overlooked but not-to-be-missed South-east Asian gem of Vietnam, I am more conscious than ever of the importance of keeping one’s wits about you when travelling abroad. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the...
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