Jan 26, 2012 | centurion gate motor, dseries, electric gate, electric gate motor
If you’ve ever installed a D5-Evo or its big brother, the D10, you know how exceptionally easy they are to install and set up; a wizard guides you through the initial setup and, should you want to change any settings afterwards, you can literally do so at the press of...
Jan 26, 2012 | centurion gate motor, d10, gate motor interlocking, interlocking, sector, sliding gate motor, traffic barrier, traffic boom
As promised, below is an article detailing the interlocking of two D-Series operators. Interlocking access control devices can be extremely useful, especially when it comes to high-security applications. For those of you who might not know exactly what interlocking...
Jan 26, 2012 | centurion gate motor, d5evo, sliding gate motor, synchronisation card, synchronising gate motors
Many industrial installations call for two sliding gate motors to be synchronised, meaning that they will operate – move and stop – simultaneously. This type of setup is ideal for entrances to premises with extremely wide driveways such as airplane hangars and...
Jan 25, 2012 | centurion, centurion gate motor, centurion systems, swing gate, swing gate motor, vector, vector swing gate motor, vector2
The VECTOR2 is one of the easiest-to-install and most user-friendly swing gate operators on the market today. A revolutionary planetary gearbox, DC motor and centrifugal braking system make the VECTOR2 a reliable, robust and versatile gate motor that can be used to...
Jan 12, 2012 | centurion, centurion gate motor, chronoguard, d10, d10 turbo, d5-evo, sector, timer technology
This is such a nifty feature we reckoned it would be a crime if we didn’t boast just a little bit. The functionality is almost limitless, and it’s bound to change the face of home automation. What it is: Unique timer technology inherent in our D-Series...
Jan 9, 2012 | centurion gate motor, electric gate, gate motor, lightning protection
Lightning season is upon is (if you live in the Southern Hemisphere, anyway) and, as is sadly often the case, electronic devices will be taking a beating and by extension, so will our bank balances. Replacing lightning-damaged equipment not only takes a considerable...