Mar 20, 2017 | access automation, backup memory module, centurion systems, d10, d10 turbo, d5-evo, gate motors, sector ii, service exchange programme, Uncategorized
No fewer than 80 programmable features can be found on a D-Series controller, ranging from high-security features such as the beam alarms, to intelligent timer functionality and safety enhancements. Copyright: profotokris / 123RF Stock Photo As someone with an obvious...
Sep 21, 2016 | acces control, access automation, centurion d5, centurion d5 evo, d5, d5-evo
A couple of weeks ago, we embarked on the first leg of our journey into the storied history of the hugely popular D5-Evo sliding gate motor. We delved deep into its illustrious past, exploring how it came to be the vanguard of a new, intelligent generation of gate...
Aug 29, 2016 | centurion d5, centurion gate motors, centurion systems, d5, d5-evo, gate motor, gate motors, sliding gate motor
The so-called Information Age has meant massive changes in virtually every aspect of our lives: from the way in which we communicate to the way in which we consume information. By the second half of the 20th century, every interface was undergoing a dramatic facelift...
Jan 16, 2012 | centurion, d10, d10 turbo, d5-evo, gate motor, home automation, home security, security, vector
Just because the holiday season is at an end doesn’t mean criminals will be taking a break from their evil business – anything but! We still need to be one step (or, if possible, several steps) ahead and the best way to achieve this is by taking proactive measures. ...
Jan 12, 2012 | centurion, centurion gate motor, chronoguard, d10, d10 turbo, d5-evo, sector, timer technology
This is such a nifty feature we reckoned it would be a crime if we didn’t boast just a little bit. The functionality is almost limitless, and it’s bound to change the face of home automation. What it is: Unique timer technology inherent in our D-Series...