Dear Centurion Systems Installer, we are proud to announce an exciting nationwide training programme designed to uplift and empower installers through industry-leading certified training courses!
If you are new to access automation or have not previously installed any of the operators that are part of this training, we recommend completing the “Basics of Gate Automation” training course before attempting this program. Feel free to contact the training department or your nearest branch for further details.
How to become a Certified CENTURION SMART trained Installer – your journey starts here!
Training comprises of 2 modules (estimated length for each is approximately 8 hours)
Module 1
SMART slider range, including the newly-launched, D3 SMART, D5-Evo SMART and D6 SMART (formerly the D5 SMART).
Module 2
V-Series SMART swing gate operator, SDO4 SMART garage door access solution, and Photon SMART wireless infrared safety beams.
Once you have attended the courses, consisting of the two modules discussed above, there will be a supervised online assessment, This assessment will be done on your Smartphone, Tablet or laptop after the completion of the second module and in the presence of our Centurion facilitator.
On successful completion of both training modules and the supervised online assessment all candidates will be required to complete the following :
- A registered profile will be created following your assesment.
- Upload three photographs from each site ( in the case of Vantage installations five photographs will be required) for a minimum of three completed SMART installations to your profile using the instructions provided by the training department.
- Upload a copy of your company CIPC registration document and your identity document.
- Upload a current proof of address ( no older than three months)
- Accept the terms and conditions of the Certified CENTURION SMART Trained Installer programme.
The documentation will be verified and assessed by our trained staff who will recommend that the application be completed if all relevant criteria have been met.
Please note that the Certified Trained SMART Installer Programme is currently only available to residents of South Africa. Should this initiative be extended to other countries in the future, we’ll be sure to announce this throughout our social media channels, newsletter and website.
Get your SMART Certified Training Schedule for your local branch below.

Benefits of being a Certified CENTURION SMART Trained Installer
- Have your company listed on the Centurion Systems website, where customers enquiring for Installers in their areas will be directed.
- Earn a certificate showcasing your proficiency in installing, commissioning and configuring CENTURION’s innovative access automation solutions.
- Increase customer confidence and project value by demonstrating your expertise with a trusted brand.
- Set yourself apart from the competition.
- Stay ahead of the curve and gain a clear advantage with in-depth training on the latest CENTURION technologies.
- Amazing opportunities to co-brand with Centurion Systems.
- All Training will be free and will be available to all Installers, regardless of whether they want to become a Certified CENTURION SMART Trained Installer or not.
Installers that have met the required conditions, will be registered as Certified CENTURION SMART Trained Installers. Centurion Systems does not offer accreditation.
The terms and conditions of this programme will be communicated to you and will be available on the website as well as during the registration process. In order to take part in the Certified CENTURION SMART Trained Installer programme, you will need to accept these terms and conditions without amendment. Centurion Systems reserves the right to make changes to the published terms and conditions at the company’s discretion.
However, any changes made will be communicated to you in a timely manner and will not be implemented unilaterally
Please note that these terms and conditions are intended to be clear, fair, and understandable in accordance with South African law.
- Certification Validity: Certified training must be completed each year to remain valid. This will not be the full training course but a shortened refresher containing any new updates or changes to products or services. The year will run for twelve months from the date the Certified SMART trained Installer certificate is issued (Three months grace will be allowed after the expiry date). As this refresher course forms part of the Certified SMART trained installer programme, if it is not completed within the time allowed the individual Certified SMART trained installer number will be suspended (including suspension from the website) until this training has been completed.
- Qualifying Products: Only CENTURION SMART products and compatible accessories will form part of the certification.
- Certificate Allocation: Certified certificate number is allocated to the individual, not a company. No company can hold a certified number for all its employees.
- Registered Companies: Only CIPC registered companies will be listed on the website. Sole proprietors and individuals may still complete the Certified SMART trained installer programme and will be listed on our database as such (Including the display of badges and unique installer number on MyCentsys Pro app) but will not be displayed on the website.
- Minimum Requirements: Installer will be required to attend the required training modules (list will be provided) and on completion of all modules pass, the assessment with a minimum pass percentage of 80% (eighty percent. All individuals that successfully complete both modules and pass the assessment will be required to upload (See upload portal procedure instructions) photographic proof of a minimum of three installation sites showing wiring, placement, rack, wheels and overall workmanship on the site. Copies of their identification document, CIPC registration document and proof of address (company address for inclusion on website or residential address for non-registered individuals). Only on assessment and approval by CENTURION SYSTEMS of the submissions will the individual be deemed to have completed the programme.
Please note you will require your own smart phone, tablet or laptop in order to access the assessment and will be required to register a profile on Centurion Systems Certified SMART trained installer database.
- Definition of Modules: There are two modules with the first covering the sliding range and the second the swing and garage door range including accessories for both. These two modules will take a minimum of two full days (Eight hours each day) to complete, this includes time allocated for assessment. (Please note the material and duration is subject to change that will be communicated should the need arise).
- Completion of Certification: Only on completion of all of the qualifying criteria and acceptance of terms and conditions including product and technical marketing will the Certified SMART trained installer unique number and subsequent certificate be issued.
- Complaints and Re-certification:
- If Centurion Systems receives two or more complaints on an individual in a 3-month period, that individual will need to repeat the training in order to remain certified.
- If Centurion Systems receives three or more complaints on a business in a 3-month period, all individuals in that business will need to repeat the training in order to remain certified (see provision for minimum requirements in point 5 above).
- Only complaints received via the correct process of using the link available on the website and assigned a unique number will be investigated.
- The installer will be contacted by a Centurion Systems representative and a site visit will be conducted. Please note that failure to make the site available or to attend a site visit will result in the complaint being marked as valid and recorded as such.
- Only minor defects or faults in installation identified by the Centurion Systems representative will be allowed to be rectified immediately and to the complainant’s satisfaction at the cost of the installer involved. If this resolves the complaint to the satisfaction of the customer and the Centurion Systems representative then the complaint will be closed and not registered as valid. It must however be noted that a record of such incidents will be kept. Should Centurion Systems deem the number of site visits required for a specific individual or company to be excessive this will be communicated to the individuals or company and they will be required to undergo additional training in the form of the refresher course referred to above.
- Failure to attend this training within three months of the official request will result in temporary suspension of the Certified SMART trained installer number and removal from any website until this is resolved.
- Should any evidence be found of false reporting of complaints by any person or company related to this programme, Centurion systems reserves the right to immediately suspend any company or individual from the programme and remove all certification including removal from the database and website. If proven to be true the individual or company will not be admitted to any current or future programmes of this nature. Normal training may still be attended but this will not be associated in any way with certification.
- Quality Assessment: The individual or company will make a minimum of two sites per year available for CENTURION to assess for quality of workmanship. It is at Centurion Systems’ discretion to carry out these visits or further site visits in this regard should the need arise. All sites that are commissioned must be done so by entering the Certified SMART trained installer identification number during the initial setup.
- Branding:
- If individuals or businesses are using co-branded clothing or marketing material that carries the “Certified” installer branding, then no opposition branding will be allowed to be displayed on the same shirt, cap, jacket, or on the same side of the vehicle.
- If unsure, please request that a Centurion Systems representative provides you with clarity before any branding takes place.
- Please note that only the word “Certified” may be used on any branding and marketing and under no circumstances may the word “Accredited” be used.
- Should a company wish to use the Certified SMART trained installer logo or make mention of this certification in any marketing, branding or any other publicly visible media including all social media posts a minimum of eighty percent of their installation employees must hold individual certified numbers
- Website:
- This website is operated by Centurion Systems. By accessing or using this website, you accept and comply with the terms and conditions established by Centurion Systems. These terms and conditions are subject to change or modification by Centurion Systems at any time and without prior notice. Centurion Systems also reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions without notice. Any changes will be communicated in a clear, understandable and timely manner. The changes will only apply to agreements concluded after the changes have been communicated. Please note that it is your responsibility to regularly check these terms and conditions for any amendments.
Please note that the Portal is optimised for desktop browsers. While you can access it on your mobile phone, we recommend using a desktop PC to update your information and upload images for the best experience.
- Only company names and contact details will be listed in on the website and only if they have individuals that have completed the required criteria and received a Certified SMART trained installer number. The company name will be displayed with the names of all Certified SMART trained installers associated with the company below the main listing. No contact details of individuals listed below such a company name will be displayed.
- Should it happen that due to staff movement the company finds itself with no Certified SMART trained installers the Company name will then be removed from the site until such time as there is proof of at least one Certified SMART trained installer. This proof will need to be provided through the portal to Centurion Systems and once verified the company name will be reinstated.
- This website is operated by Centurion Systems. By accessing or using this website, you accept and comply with the terms and conditions established by Centurion Systems. These terms and conditions are subject to change or modification by Centurion Systems at any time and without prior notice. Centurion Systems also reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions without notice. Any changes will be communicated in a clear, understandable and timely manner. The changes will only apply to agreements concluded after the changes have been communicated. Please note that it is your responsibility to regularly check these terms and conditions for any amendments.
- Amendment of Terms and Conditions: Centurion Systems reserves the right to change or amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. It is the responsibility of the individual or company to regularly check for any amendments or updates to these terms and conditions. Every effort will be made to notify individuals or companies of any changes or amendments.
- Breach and Termination: Should there be a breach of any of the agreed terms and conditions, Centurion Systems reserves the right to terminate any certification and remove both businesses and/or individuals from the programme, database and website. This action may be taken at the sole discretion of Centurion Systems and may be without prior notice.